
Sunday, November 17, 2019 | After Pentecost Proper 28 Year C Old Testament Malachi 4:1–2aNew Testament 2 Thessalonians 3:6–13Gospel Luke 21:5–19 Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2009).

The Greatest Resource, Often Goes Unused

Audio Link Acts 17:22–31 1 Peter 3:13–22 John 14:15–21 These days we often hear about conserving our resources.  Stay with renewable resources.  Only use what we have the most of and conserve the rest.  When God created the heavens and the earth, God gave dominion over the earth to humanity.  This was first to Adam … [Read more…]

Are We Wasting the Greatest Resource Ever?

As I have been reading the texts this week out of the Revised Common Lectionary in preparation for the upcoming sermon, I have been listening to music in the background.  A song that I used in a sermon a couple of months ago, more as a side note, keeps coming up for me to hear. … [Read more…]

Is Seeing Believing? A Mark of Discipleship

Audio Version 1 Samuel 16:3, 5-13 Ephesians 5:8-14 John 9:1-7,13,17-21,24-25,28-31 Is being blind about not having sight?  It could be, if we are speaking only in physical terms.  The gospel speaks of sin and sight, cause and effect.  But does it really?  To see is beyond sight physically.  To see changes us entirely in our … [Read more…]