Respond, Step out and Trust Jesus

Audio Link [youtube:] 1 Kings 19:9–18 Psalm 85:8–13 Romans 10:5–15 Matthew 14:22–33 Our God comes to us in many shapes and forms.  God loves us and wants the best for us always.  God loves all of humanity and wants the best for all of God’s creatures.  Do you believe that God the Father loves you, … [Read more…]

Walk in the Light and Be Salt

Audio Link 1 Kings 3:5–12 Psalm 119:129–136 Romans 8:26–39 Matthew 5:13-16 Matthew 13:31-33 Matthew 13:44-52 For the last week I was engaged in a community of Christian believers.  We are known as the Butterfly People.  We are challenged to be a changed people, breaking out of our old-self, coming out of darkness and into the … [Read more…]

Sowers of Love to All

[youtube:] Isaiah 55:10-13 Romans 8:1-11 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Whenever I have planted a garden, I am very careful about prepping the soil, adding in fresh soil, compost and other things that will help retain moisture and provide nutrients for the seeds I am about to plant.  Then I till all that together and make nice … [Read more…]

Greatest Commandment + Holy Spirit = Great Commission

Audio Link Genesis 1:1–5, Genesis 1:26-2:4a 2 Corinthians 13:11–13 Matthew 28:16–20 I have not done this before but today, I want you to pull out pens or pencils and write something on your bulletins.  Write it in a place that you can see, so you can take this with you, maybe even tape it to … [Read more…]

Are We Wasting the Greatest Resource Ever?

As I have been reading the texts this week out of the Revised Common Lectionary in preparation for the upcoming sermon, I have been listening to music in the background.  A song that I used in a sermon a couple of months ago, more as a side note, keeps coming up for me to hear. … [Read more…]