Mark of Discipleship, Bible Reading

Lent 2014 Theme,  Six Marks of Discipleship based on the book, “Power  Surge: Six Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church”, Michael Foss Audio Link [youtube] It is at the age of 13 that Jewish boys participate in their Bar Mitzvah.  This is when they become obligated to observe the commandments.  Prior to this age they are … [Read more…]

Mark of Discipleship, Weekly Worship

Lent 2014 Theme,  Six Marks of Discipleship based on the book, “Power  Surge: Six Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church”, Michael Foss Audio Version [youtube] 1 Corinthians 11:23-26  TVB 23I passed on to you the tradition the Lord gave to me: On the same night the Lord Jesus was betrayed, He took the bread in His … [Read more…]

Transfiguration, Transformation faith to Discipleship

Link to Audio of Sermon Video Link to Sermon Exodus 24:12-18 Psalm 2:1-11 2 Peter 1:16-21 Matthew 17:1-9 We hear today of two “mountain top experiences” both unique but also have common threads to each other and to us today.  Both not just for the humans directly involved but for all of God’s people.  Both … [Read more…]

Responding to God and others

Audio Link to Sermon Video Link to Sermon Isaiah 58:1-12 Psalm 112:1-9 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 Matthew 5:13-20 Have you ever attempted to call someone but kept getting static and even drops on the line? Have you kept trying to call and eventually the other party stopped answering?  How about the other way around?  What about … [Read more…]

Disciples, Chosen through Love, Not Merit

Audio Link to Sermon Video Link to Sermon Isaiah 9:1-4 Matthew 4:12-23 Each of you and myself merit nothing from God. We are sinners through and through. We too are like the people described in Isaiah today, we are in darkness and we turn away from God each and every time we sin. Sure, we … [Read more…]

Mission, Day 3 – Houston

I failed to mention this in the previous posts.  Each day we start off with devotion to set the tone for the day.  I lead the devotions and I do not have a laid out pattern for what will be read in the morning.  I have just been letting the Spirit guide and guide it … [Read more…]

Mission, Day 2 – Houston, Student Thoughts

Today’s post will be a collection of thoughts of the students participating in the mission trip. I will do my best to provide context to their thoughts where needed. I will use their own words but where clarification might be needed, I will do this with the use of [ brackets]. During our mission of … [Read more…]

Mission, Day 1 – Houston

We rise to another early day, just like our travel days towards Houston. Now we rise to the soundings of a rooster, yes a rooster, here in Houston. Well, some of us hear the rooster, while others can to sleep through just about anything. It had rained overnight and the air is now damp along … [Read more…]

Vision, Being the Light to the Nations

Video Link Audio Link Isaiah 60:1–6 Ephesians 3:1–12 Matthew 2:1–12 Today is the Epiphany of the Lord. The easy route to take today would be to tell you about the Wise Men who visited Jesus, Joseph and Mary and show how the Isaiah and Matthew text can be tied together. I am not going there, … [Read more…]

The Purpose of Christmas: Time for Reconciliation

Based upon the Book, The Purpose of Christmas, by Rick Warren Audio Link Video Link Luke 2:8-14 Matthew 22:34-40 Welcome to our third Wednesday in Advent.  It may seem like a very short Advent this year, since we only had three Wednesdays to celebrate and worship.  As it so happens, my plans lined up with the … [Read more…]