A Nice Response to a Non-Believer

Below is a video I was tagged in from Facebook. It would be nice if we all would have the wit to respond when our faith is challenged.  Although the response does not hold a definitive response to the question of a God or not (which comes only in faith through the Holy Spirit), it … [Read more…]

What does God say about gossip?

From a “Buddy Christ” question that was addressed in a newsletter.       Dear buddy, what does God say about gossip? Another good question this month.  I love that you are willing to ask the tough questions.  I am going to get a little technical on you first, so that we can come to … [Read more…]

Pick up your mat and respond

Below is the link to an audio version of a sermon delivered at Calvary Lutheran in Minong. Sermons Sunday, May 1, 2016 | Easter Sixth Sunday of Easter Year C First Reading Acts 16:9–15 Psalm Psalm 67 New Testament Revelation 21:10, Revelation 21:22–22:5 Gospel  John 5:1–9 Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009). … [Read more…]

Fishing Blessing & Fishing Prayer

Below is the blessing that I used for equipment and persons for this fishing season of 2016. Below was adapted from a blessing of the fleet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blessing_of_the_Fleet Most gracious Lord, who numbered among your apostles the fishermen Peter, Andrew, James and John, we pray you to consecrate this fishing equipment to righteous work in your … [Read more…]

Church Bullies

Below is a very interesting article about bullies in the church. In the past I have seen this behavior by members of a church.  I saw a pastor leave a congregation following some of this behavior.  The title is indicates that there are good reasons, however the good reasons are from the bully perspective. The … [Read more…]


It is very interesting that it seems so difficult for people, and at times I include myself in this, to follow the words of Jesus.  Jesus tells us just how to handle conflict, especially with other believers.  Yet, why is it that becomes so difficult to follow? I am not sure if is out of … [Read more…]